Places within 10 km around La Lima

Browse all places in Honduras within a radius of 10 km around La Lima.

42 places found in Honduras within 10 km around La Lima.

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of places around La Lima: 5 km15 km

Places 10 km around La Lima

42 places found in Honduras within 10 km around La Lima.
Places in the regional area of La Lima
San Isidro San Isidro-1.8 km 1.1 mishow
El Achiote El Achiote-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Reforma Reforma-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
San Jose de Pane San José de Pane9583.7 km 2.3 mishow
Pacaljal Pacaljal-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Paso Hondo Paso Hondo-4.1 km 2.6 mishow
Paso Hornado Paso Hornado-4.1 km 2.6 mishow
Los Planes Los Planes-4.1 km 2.6 mishow
El Caobanal El Caobanal-5.6 km 3.5 mishow
Buenas Casas Buenas Casas-5.9 km 3.6 mishow
Durango Durango-5.9 km 3.6 mishow
Guachipilin Guachipilín-5.9 km 3.6 mishow
Potrerillos Potrerillos1,3346.1 km 3.8 mishow
Balibrea Balibrea-6.5 km 4.1 mishow
La Calera La Calera-6.6 km 4.1 mishow
Paso Hondo Paso Hondo-6.6 km 4.1 mishow
La Laguna La Laguna-7.6 km 4.7 mishow
La Ceiba La Ceiba-7.6 km 4.7 mishow
La Garza La Garza-7.7 km 4.8 mishow
El Junco El Junco-8.1 km 5.0 mishow
Loma Larga Loma Larga-8.1 km 5.0 mishow
Cantoral Cantoral-8.2 km 5.1 mishow
Aguas del Padre Aguas del Padre1,1048.7 km 5.4 mishow
Siguatepeque Siguatepeque43,1418.9 km 5.6 mishow
Cabanas Cabañas-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Juan Avelar Juan Avelar-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Victor Chavez Víctor Chávez-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Chicuas Chicúas-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Chicuas Abajo Chicúas Abajo-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Tableros Tableros-9.1 km 5.6 mishow
Teupaz Teúpaz-9.1 km 5.6 mishow
Cicirinteca Cicirinteca-9.1 km 5.6 mishow
Ocote Arrancado Ocote Arrancado-9.1 km 5.6 mishow
Campana Campana-9.2 km 5.7 mishow
Cirilo Cirilo-9.2 km 5.7 mishow
Agua Dulce Agua Dulce-9.3 km 5.8 mishow
Plazuelas Plazuelas-9.7 km 6.0 mishow
Quebrachal Quebrachal-9.7 km 6.0 mishow
San Jacinto San Jacinto-9.7 km 6.0 mishow
Campanario San Juanillo Campanario San Juanillo-9.7 km 6.0 mishow
Gulala Gulala-10.0 km 6.2 mishow
Pozo Negro Pozo Negro-10.0 km 6.2 mishow

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of places around La Lima: 5 km15 km